Nejaušs pārskats
Lasīt visas atsauksmesAbsolute fun...would stay all day if we didn't have plans, well recommend this to everyone
Uzņēmums: Mystery House
Absolute fun...would stay all day if we didn't have plans, well recommend this to everyone
Absolute fun...would stay all day if we didn't have plans, well recommend this to everyone
Great place! And definitely one of the best in Riga. There was no moment when someone would be bored. The room tested our teams as well as individual strength and weaknesses with very wide variety of tasks. And the staff was great! Very welcoming and enthusiastic. We loved how Mystery house has thought about small details that make the overall experience great such as slippers. thank you! We will return for a bigger challenge!
Замечательно! Отдельное спасибо Лауре ))))
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